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what is stuk?

what are we about?

We are an outdoor production company bringing unparalleled fishing and hunting knowledge and experiences to all sportsmen/ women. We'd like to share our experiences with you every week through our podcast. Follow what we've been up tom what equipment we've been using, meet the experts in the industry and learn from their experiences.

PERSPECTIVE: A particular attitude towards or way of regarding something; a point of view

The one thing that unites us as an outdoor community is the freedom to share our experience. It's the reason we've built a billion dollar industry around outdoor entertainment. Without each and every sportsmen's perspective, we'd have no means of learning new traits, honing skills, and most importantly sharing stories. Together, we'll uncover these perspectives through all media outlets.


the story of our adventure

Joe and Nate bring something special to the outdoor community.

PERSPECTIVE... All three come from a completely different background, upbringing, and outlook.


The STUK Nation podcast is brought to you by:




We started the STUK Nation podcast with one goal; to create an outlet in which to deliver useful knowledge and advice from our real life experience to all sportsmen.  We're seizing the opportunity to provide people the necessary information to initiate engagement, be successful, and share their own outdoor experiences. Our interest has built us a large family of industry professionals who are just as excited to help share this outlet as we are.